Friday, January 14, 2011

Burn Notice

Dear Me, Myself, and I,
I have been on a action TV show binge and recently I have come to like a series called Burn Notice. A man named Michael Westin, a well known and well trained spy, has recently been burned. Being burned in spy terms essentially means to be accused of some crime the government can't or chooses not to cover for you. But sometimes, the crime is a set up to get that spy from finding something that the government or someone that is paying government officials to find. Being burned takes you out of the game completely. You have no money, no job history, and you're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in. Determined to become a spy again, Michael Westin goes on this search to find who burned him, taking jobs that come up on the way. With him are his two partners: Fiona, "a trigger-happy ex-girlfriend" who has a knack for explosives, and Sam, a heavy drinker who used to inform on Michael to the FBI. He has no father, but Michael has a sassy, independent mother who offers help whenever Michael desperately needs it. Also, he has a brother with a severe gambling problem who always seems to bring his trouble to Michael.
I consider this to be one of the best PG-13 shows on TV right now. With a great script and perfectly fitted actors, this series is by far my favorite TV show. I'm not being indorsed by them to gush, no, I intended this post to be about my troubles with my shitty laptop DVD player. I have a old, black Mac, battered by my sister's use for 4-5 years, but it is a laptop, none the less. My mother came home right as I was starting a new episode, and I was throwing an internal hissy fit about not being able to watch it. I decided to use the remaining battery power on my laptop to watch and finish 2 more episodes and then go to sleep. When trying to play the DVD, I shoved it in the player, after attempts and lightly sliding it in. The DVD player malfunctioned and malfunctioned and I ended up restarting the computer and trying to eject the DVD immediately. I had an ingenious idea. I told a pair of tweezers and as I held down the eject button, I pulled the DVD out of the player and on to my bed.
I am now contemplating whether or not to put the DVD back in and try *one* more time......
hmmm......what to do, what to do.....